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Gente Invisible de la Selva

Please check out Xavier Méndez and Andrés Viera's documentary on the Cofán, Gente Invisible de la Selva (Invisible People of the Jungle). The documentary follows Isidro Lucitante, a Cofán who lives close to the point where the Bermejo and San Miguel rivers come together, close to the Ecuador-Colombia border, on a journey through the Cofán culture, their myths, way of life and socio-environmental problems they encounter living in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Junto a Isidro Lucitante, Cofán que vive cerca de la unión de los ríos Bermejo y San Miguel (frontera Ecuador-Colombia), emprenderemos un viaje por la cultura cofán, sus mitos, su forma de vida y los problemas socio-ambientales que viven en la Amazonía ecuatoriana.

Enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 of Isidro's journey.